Work with me

Let's chat!

Interested in working with me? I offer a wide variety of services and am available for collaborations that are in alignment with my creative vision. Let's chat and see if we are a good fit to make some artistic magic happen together. 

Services I am available for include:

 - Commissioned art work and handmade products.

 - Production design for film and video.

 - Creative direction and assistance.

 - Creative coaching and guidance.

 - Small business coaching for creatives and artists.

 - Coaching for DIY, home styling, and organizing.

 - Filming UGC to promote your creative business.

 - Creative collaborations.

If you want to work together, simply send an email to hello@everydayavantgarde with a brief description of what kind of service you are interested in.

I will follow up with a Zoom link to our call for the time we'll schedule together. If If your service requested is aligned with my offerings, I will send you an estimated quote for my service with a description of what the services in that quote will entail.

Each service will vary in price depending on the project and may include a one time fee or ongoing fee depending on the service. 

I can't wait to connect with you and see what we can do together! 💕